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  • Seven Tips for Pleasing CustomersSeven Tips for Pleasing Customers
    Pleasing customers will result in more referrals and repeat sales opportunities. It’s the best way to promote business growth and that’s what can make the difference between failure and success. Most entrepreneurs understand that the wider audience you can appeal to, the better. But not targeting sufficiently and pleasing customers will result in wasted time and ...
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  • Sales Funnel Surgery – From Landing to SaleSales Funnel Surgery - From Landing to Sale
    A truly effective sales funnel is much more than a web form and a thank you page… so let’s do some sales funnel surgery. In fact, I would guess that there are millions of pages on the web that feature forms and thank you page elements, yet are not anything like a sales funnel. There ...
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  • 5 Tips for Choosing A Web Developer5 Tips for Choosing A Web Developer
    Choosing a web developer can be a daunting task. Everyone from your cousin Eddie to Mr. Gotrocks seems to think he’s the one for the job. But there are some good ways to determine whether the person you’re considering really is the one for the job or not. Gain some perspective by reflecting on the practices ...
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  • Function vs Form… for ProfitFunction vs Form... for Profit
    Function vs Form… for Profit. Most people believe that what they need to succeed online is to have the most beautiful website. While beauty and aesthetic appeal are important, they are not always required to turn a profit. Craigslist, for example, generates millions of dollars per year but looks extremely unappealing. While still profitable, many people ...
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  • Top 10 Things You Need For Your Website In 2018Top 10 Things You Need For Your Website In 2018
    Top 10 Things You Need For A Website In 2018 If you’re a new small business owner or even someone who’s been at it for a while, you know your online presence is the face and voice your potential clients see and hear first. It’s pretty important to make the right impression… or at least to ...
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