- Is more content less… or more?
Is less on your website really more?
How much content should you have on your website? I saw a rather lengthy article on a social channel by a web developer who was very frustrated. Apparently, their clients had too much content! The article went on for a good while about how less is more and ...
Read More - How to choose fonts for your website
How to choose fonts for your website
Everyone needs to know how to choose fonts because the way type is presented on the page is just as important as the color palette, layout, or other design elements. The space between the lines or “Leading” should be set high enough to avoid the appearance of jumbling yet ...
Read More - What’s An API? How does it work?
What is an API? In some ways, it’s not as complicated as you think but in other ways probably more complex than you might imagine. An API is an “application program interface” like a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. It directs software components on how to interact with one another. ...
Read More - How To Get Started With Ecommerce
If you’ve ever wondered how to get started with ecommerce, you’re not alone. Sellers with their own online stores have to really plan their e-commerce strategy to ensure success. They have complete control over their customers’ experiences which is a wonderful thing. Using a venue like eBay or Amazon comes with a lot of over-branding ...
Read More - Why Offer Instant Push Notifications?
Why Offer Push Notifications?
Push notifications not only drive repeat traffic but also repeat and real-time engagement. There are a lot of profitable reasons to use them. Web alerts are an innovative way of letting your users know there is something new and exciting on your blog. You can use web push notifications to drive more ...
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