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Seven Tips for Pleasing Customers

Seven Tips for Pleasing Customers

Pleasing customers will result in more referrals and repeat sales opportunities.

7 Tips for Pleasing CustomersIt’s the best way to promote business growth and that’s what can make the difference between failure and success. Most entrepreneurs understand that the wider audience you can appeal to, the better. But not targeting sufficiently and pleasing customers will result in wasted time and effort or a bad expectation. So how can you properly sell to completely different people of all kinds in a welcomed way? Yes, each individual is completely different, however, there are general groups that can be targeted to better ensure that your message is received with a positive response.

1.) Proper Targeting – Keep the person who engages with your correspondences in mind when formulating your approach. Sending free candy recipes to dentist offices, for example, would not bring much of a return in engagement. Sending dentists offices air purifier ads might do better while promoting your candy recipes to cooks and candy enthusiasts. Make sure this person needs or might possibly want what you’re offering.

2.) Keep Your Word – Never sell a product or service that you can’t provide. Promising people the moon in return for a few dollars might grab some attention, but the aftermath of eventual disappointment, anger, and negativity will outweigh any benefit that you might temporarily enjoy, resulting in a bleaker future with less opportunity than before. Keeping your promises, however, will result in good references and repeat buyers.

3.) Transparency – Involve your customer in the process of your service work and keep them posted on relevant options for upgrade or enhancement. Provide clear product and service descriptions that leave no room for the imagination. Do your best to make sure that the buyer completely understands what they are purchasing. Just like in every other endeavor, communication is key.

7 Tips for Pleasing Customers4.) Follow Up – Stay in touch with the customer, or at least make sure that your contact information is readily available for them even after the sale. The only thing worse than not getting what you wanted is to end up stuck with it. On the other hand, getting the wrong thing and having the ability to have discourse with an understanding individual to receive a return or refund can turn a bad purchase into a great impression.

5.) Consistency – Time goes on and many things change including your offerings but don’t let quality waver. Branching off into too many areas of expertise or spreading your staff too thin can be a couple of problems that should be immediately addressed. Franchises or affiliates should be provided with explicit direction on customer service policies and regulation adherence expectations.

6.) Tone – I recently saw a small shop owner post to her customers via social media to ask them to pay their invoices because, and I quote, “I have bills too”. What a terrible impression! Let your tone be accommodating to the needs of your buyers. State the facts without involving emotion or personal bias. This kind of negative attitude will tarnish even the best product or service right away.

7.) Value – Take the time to re-assess your product and service values at least quarterly. Alter your offerings to include new features, package options, payment options, or just to freshen up the language in the description to better convey your message. Take care of the details and keep up with the latest campaigns by your competitors to stay relevant.

Great work! Reading up on ways to improve your relationship with customers shows that you’re serious about taking the time to change your business’ direction for the better. Outline your intentions and apply them with your own unique style for the best outcome with your patrons.

Eliyahna Koln
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Eliyahna is a full-time web developer and designer and the CEO of Eliyahna Creative, LLC.