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Gallery Shooter

First Person Shooter Game

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The Challenge

WestPress required a web application to use on their server for an anniversary invitation to explore their website and the contents within. One of the features they requested was a game. It would have to be responsive and playable on whatever sized device the user used to browse to it’s location.

The Goal

WestPress needed a web game… and we were thrilled to oblige! This fun project was all for smiles which made it even more imperative that it function correctly every time and be useful to people of all ages on a variety of devices.

The Design

The overall design we chose incorporated the look and feel of their immediate location… the Tucson desert. Using elements from their surrounding area to represent the different elements used in the game gave it great southwestern tone.

Project Summary

The game was a big success and everyone loved to play and share it. The inclusion gave the designated area of their site a “sticky” quality and was a fun way to interact with online visitors and their families. A seasonal element, we hope they’ll see fit to publish it again so we can beat our last high score!

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