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web development terms

Website Development Terms Defined

Web Development Terms Defined

Over the years, a huge variety of people have come to me for a website or application from all walks of life. The transition from not having a great website to getting the new build should be a smooth one with lots of happy milestones. There are sometimes web development terms or concepts that can seem complicated at first for the analog person, so I wanted to compile something especially helpful for them.Read More »Website Development Terms Defined

function vs form

Function vs Form… for Profit

Function vs Form… for Profit.

Most people believe that what they need to succeed online is to have the most beautiful website. While beauty and aesthetic appeal are important, they are not always required to turn a profit. Craigslist, for example, generates millions of dollars per year but looks extremely unappealing. While still profitable, Read More »Function vs Form… for Profit