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The Mob Attraction

At The Tropicana in Las Vegas

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The Challenge

The Tropicana in Las Vegas needed a website for a special attraction there called The Mob Attraction. The layout and framework had already been created but it required site-wide design and graphics along with coding for the interactive elements.

The Goal

The Mob Attraction website required custom designed graphics and icons to fit the previously established layout. The project was started on a content management system called LightCMS.

Shop and product pages would have to be created and integrated as well as an interactive blog, streaming video from the attraction itself and social media postings.

The Design

The site design had to match the tone and feel of the Tropicana attraction location and featured many photos from the attraction itself. Fans were able to recognize favorite elements and new viewers got a taste of the fun and interactive offerings in the Las Vegas location.

Project Summary

The Mob Attraction at The Tropicana, Las Vegas has ended and unfortunately, the site was discontinued when the attraction closed. We had a wonderful time and felt very honored to be a part of the project and had a lot of fun putting it all together.

The finished product provided an interactive place online for attendees to touch base and for new patrons to purchase tickets. The shop had fun merchandise for all and coding into the LightCMS was a great opportunity to learn something new.

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