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How To Lower Your Websites Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate Reduction

If you need bounce rate reduction, go back to basics.

Try to re-evaluate to get bounce rate reduction… what do you want your visitors to do?

Space can be an expensive commodity, especially online. Viewing screens get smaller every year and no one wants to read “war & peace” before they can buy or try your products or services. There is some psychology to color use and element placements for greater bounce rate reduction… but without getting in too deep, here are a few easy tips to help you keep it together!

  1. Use accordions for grouped lists. Set them to “closed” until someone clicks on the title of the section they really need to see. This can be a great way to hide huge gobs of information that may be entirely relevant but not always necessary. The visitors who have come to find the information will still get what they came for and much faster since they won’t have to wade through multiple volumes of other data to find it.

Store extra information here where users can choose to see more or go on to find the specifics they’re searching for without wading through all of this too.

  1. List your options with bullet points that are linked to their own respective product or service description pages. This is always a great way to highlight information of interest and creates a bounce rate reduction by
  • assisting the viewer in finding the particular subject they’re searching for
  • much faster
  • Especially with multiple products
  • and service options.
  1. If you’re using forms to interact with your visitors, try conditional fields. Conditional fields stay hidden until they’re needed and help to save a lot of room by not displaying options that are irrelevant to the user. Sometimes a very large form with too many optional fields gives the impression that it will take “too much time” to get through it. Keeping the optional fields hidden until necessary is a great way to accommodate users that might send you correspondences for a multitude of different reasons without forcing them to evaluate pages of unnecessary form fields.
  2. Use descriptive titles and subtitles to organize your data so that if you do need to present a lengthy bit of text, it can still be skimmed through effectively if someone’s in a hurry. Kind of like the way we made our bulleted topics in bold text on this article. You can quickly skim through to get the gist, or you can linger and read more about each topic in greater detail… either way, the user should come away with something applicable.
  3. Utilize submenus to offer more information as an option on central topics of interest. Again, submenus can be used to further refine the subject relevancy to specific requirements freeing the viewer from wading through too much useless data. You’ve most likely already begun using your site’s menu system to organize things and manipulate traffic flow. Keep this technique in mind when parsing your copy for visual digestion.
  4. Bounce Rate ReductionEmbed small descriptive paragraphs in a bold font and/or images into your articles periodically to convey key concepts and break up long text areas. You can really get bored fast with all text. Especially when it’s all the same size, color and without any inflection or alteration. Too much of that will send readers running for the search engines.
  5. Eliminate or rearrange extraneous text on smaller screen sizes while allowing larger resolutions to retain full sized elements. Google’s new algorithm is checking for mobile device load time. 60% of viewers show up on a mobile device. There’s no way around it. You must accommodate them in order to reduce your website’s bounce rate effectively.
  6. Provide pdf files or ebooks with full-text pages as instant downloads in exchange for an email address. This will give you an extra option for future contact or information exchanges.
  7. Use videos – but only as an option. Those visitors whose devices that don’t support videos or for visitors who don’t have the privacy to play your videos out loud will still want a viewing or download link. A lot of people have even begun providing video libraries. Organized by topic with a thumbnail and excerpt description is a wonderful way to showcase this kind of catalog.

  1. Get to the point. What do you want from your visitor? What do you want them to know, buy or try? Explain your mission or offer in plain language right away without a lot of irrelevant images or sections of text that only add confusion. Keep your objective clear and concise and don’t be afraid to strip out all the fluff.

Keeping these tips in mind should keep your mobile visitors happy to use your page and should also help you to better meet your bounce rate reduction objectives with your visitors.

Best Success!

Eliyahna Koln
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Eliyahna is a full-time web developer and designer and the CEO of Eliyahna Creative, LLC.